
hero you should know better but that doesn’t stop you from leaping off the roof, immortal like all six-year-olds who believe a cape & under- wear grant powers magic & mystical but you are fifty-two so what’s your excuse?


Evil bananas plot to overthrow the state capitol. At night, mosquitoes fish for jelly beans beneath oil slicks. Badgers roam the interstate. Sometimes at night I hear cows arguing about the right way to pole dance. Badgers fight each other while alligators breathe. In […]


thursday night the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog & shot the damn cat with a grizzly gun but hey who is counting when no one is looking around in the woods? & did I tell you the elk have invaded the […]


it was night & the stars when the magpie called & left a withered feather, two voicemails, transcripts unintelligible, urgent, noise on the line crackling fire & you said it was time for space & the stars arranged themselves pearled strings bleating songs in […]


out of the that came the when and the what stood in the still since the before came after but how no one knew so or and the why bought a round on the top under the next and that’s when it went to […]


I was young& confusedlust & love& now 30years laterhere we arefour kidsa mortgagetwo old carsschleppedin the garagea dead cat& damnif it doesn’tfeel like homebut christcould I usea cigarette


I walked acrossthe mud-soaked field like a train soundwas underneath me wildflowers bent& turned in circles the sun turnedblack smoke rising & then there was Anne& her chainsaw & strewn bluebonnets& she said sure beats a scythe& yes it does but isn’t thatTexas for […]