
go ahead & waste
another sheet of
paper no one is
looking so you
might as well
scribble what you
need to scribble
just get it down
& out & on the
page & just look
at it there alive
on the page
dying in the light
but writhing with
this new found
freedom & if you
turn over the
page it stills
to silence like
a bird in a draped
cage but flip it
over again &
it starts mewing
& mewling & how
can you ignore it
so read it again
before you stick
it in a drawer
to smother in
slow decay until
you discover it
covered in loose
change & rubber
bands & dead
batteries &
whatever else you
want to forget
& give it a whisp
of breath before
realizing those
bastards were right
about distance
& time & rage